black wire gold screw

Ask the Family Handy-man - Google Books Result.
Six wires in a single outlet box? - Electrical Wiring Forum.
How do you wire a 3 way switch - black screw connected to white.
Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Wiring, 5th Edition: Current. - Google Books Result.
How to Wire Two Electrical Outlets in a Box: 15 Steps - wikiHow.
The black screw is called the "common", not for any particular reason though. The two gold screws are the travelers. The same two wires used.
black wire gold screw
black wire gold screw
help please - Handyman WIRE - Handyman USA.The Solar Home: How to Design and Build a House You Heat With the Sun - Google Books Result.
Wiring ground silver or gold screw? -
Jan 18, 2010. The screw terminals are color coded on the receptacles. The brass or gold colored screw connects to the black "hot" wire. The silver colored.
Sep 24, 2011. If all 3 wires were attache to the switch on different screws, it's a 3 way. There will be 1 black screw (hot) and 2 gold screws (travelers) on the old.
Screw Products, Inc. HDY212-5 No 10 X Heavy Duty Gold Star.