facebook ticker gone 2012

Where did the ticker go on Facebook? - Yahoo! Answers.
How to: Remove Facebook sidebar news ticker | Disable facebook.
facebook ticker gone 2012
Bajantube - Part the facebook ticker gone now? | Facebook.
Why don't I have a facebook ticker? - WebAnswers.com.
Face Book, Get RID Of The Ticker/Stalker Box NOW | Facebook.
Facebook finally added an easy way to hide the Ticker, if you know where to look. Matt Elliott. by Matt Elliott. February 1, 2012 12:57 PM PST Follow @.
facebook ticker gone 2012
How to Hide the Facebook Ticker - Spy Hill.net.How to Hide the Facebook Ticker - Spy Hill Research.
How to Hide Activity from Facebook's Ticker - HowAboutWe.
‎10-04-2012 07:58 PM. A while ago, I wanted to remove some songs I listined to from the facebook Spotify ticker. I clicked the little x(not on the ticker. but next to.
Mon, 11/19/2012 - 12:16pm. Anonymous Visitor. Tweet. Today the ticker on my Facebook is gone and all that shows is whoever is online for chat. Before today.
My Facebook chat bar that appears on the left side of the screen and shows the picture of my online friends is gone. Please, can you tell me how to. Latest Questions. Sep232012. Why can't I see the Facebook news ticker? Why would.