get title assistant professor wow

Communication with other players - Forums - World of Warcraft - Battle.
Twink Titles - Forums - World of Warcraft -
get title assistant professor wow
cool, easy to get title -
Toon Titles - Forums - World of Warcraft - Battle.
get title assistant professor wow
Cataclysm Pvp Titles -- WoW Insider.
Oct 11, 2012. The title Professor is awarded to players upon completing the achievement It Belongs in a Museum!, which involves finding twenty rare artifacts using Archaeology.. Find 20 rare artifacts. Reward: "<Professor>" title.
You get the "Associate Professor" title and more goodies than you can shake a stick at. Off the top of my head. Skeleton raptor pet/mount.
Archeology in Cata - Forums - World of Warcraft - Battle.
Best obtainable title for level 70. - Forums - World of Warcraft.
Archaeology rewards - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of.
Professor Assistente-TÃtulo-World of Warcraft - Wowhead.
I'll probably alternate between Professor Fasc (once I get it) and whatever the current raid title is when nothing new has come out for a bit. #2.